
Insights on Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Finance

Dig deeper into background information, current trends and the very latest developments in the M&A and corporate finance market.

KP Tech Insights - IT Consulting & IT Services M&A and Corporate Finance Report

The KP Tech Insights series is dedicated to analysing the M&A and corporate finance market in the IT Consulting & IT Services sector every six months. We inform you about the most exciting M&A activities, latest M&A trends, backgrounds, important events, transactions and changes in the most relevant M&A deal multiples.

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KP Tech Insights - B2B Software M&A und Corporate Finance Report

The KP Tech Insights series is dedicated to analyzing the M&A and corporate finance market in the B2B software industry every six months. We inform you about the most exciting M&A activities, the latest M&A trends, background information, important events, transactions and the development of the most relevant M&A deal multiples.

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KP Tech Insights - Sector M&A and Corporate Finance Reports

"KP Tech Insights" is our new format with which we offer you current M&A and corporate finance analyses for various sectors worldwide and especially for Europe. Our analyses provide background information, important events, developments in the most important M&A multiples, generally interesting M&A activities and new M&A trends.

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Company valuation with multiples - multiples method

Company valuation on the basis of so-called "multiples" or "multipliers" (also called comparable company approach): In the practice of market-oriented company valuation, a distinction is made between two types of multiples or multiplier methods. The two market-oriented valuation methods differ due to the origin of the [...]

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List: Private Equity Companies & Top Investors Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Private Equity - Venture Capital - Family Offices Investors List - Private Equity Investors List: Overview of investment companies and investors investing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Equity capital or venture capital is called "private equity" in English. Investors in the field of venture capital [...]

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List with >250 venture capital investors in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

List of >250 venture capital companies investing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: Seed Investors - Early Stage Venture Capital - Venture Capital - Growth Financing - Early Stage VC Funds - Startup Investors Articles in KP Tech Magazine on the topics of investment agreements, venture capital funds, [...]

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Due Diligence Checklist - Buying a Company - Selling a Company

Due Diligence Checklist - Acquisition of a company - Sale of a company: Below you will find an exemplary (short version) of a due diligence checklist from practice, which can be used in the context of an acquisition/sale of a company for the preparation of the documents in the data room (seller) or as a list of requirements for the [...]

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Alternatives to acquiring a company via an asset deal or a share deal

Alternatives to the acquisition of a company via an asset deal or a share deal: As an alternative to an acquisition of a company, various forms of cooperation as well as a hidden acquisition of a company are also possible Alternatives to an acquisition of a company One alternative to an acquisition of a company is the agreement of a management contract. [...]

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Valuing a company - calculating the company value

Creating a company valuation or having it created: If you search the Internet for the terms "valuing a company" or "calculating the value of a company", "valuing a company" or "company valuation", you will find a large number of more or less suitable results. After an initial perusal of the search results, you [...]

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Growth through company takeovers - Mergers & Acquisitions - Company acquisition

Growth through company acquisitions - Mergers & Acquisitions - Company acquisition: The acquisition of a company is a complex process that can be roughly divided into the following phases: M&A objectives M&A strategy M&A process Integration process Each of these phases in turn is subdivided into [...]

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Example: Financial debt definition for cash-free/debt-free arrangements in the SPA

Example of a definition of debt ("Debt" or "Financial Debt") in the context of a cash-free/debt-free arrangement in a company purchase/sale In the context of cash-free/debt-free arrangements in company purchase/sale agreements ("SPA", Sales and Purchase Agreement), the items "Debt" or "Financial Debt" are [...]

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Mergers & Acquisitions: Professional M&A advice for medium-sized companies

M&A consulting for medium-sized companies - goals, tasks and success factors: As a professional M&A boutique, KP Tech Corporate Finance has been advising medium-sized companies from Germany, Austria or Switzerland on the sale of companies for more than 20 years. In the Anglo-Saxon world, it has been a matter of course for many years to [...]

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Deal breaker in company purchase agreements - examples/ contents

Examples of deal breakers in contract negotiations for company purchase agreements > In M&A practice, agreement usually has to be reached on the following topics during negotiations of the company purchase agreement (SPA). As a general rule, a [...]

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Company valuation using multiples (multiples method)

Excess sizes in company valuations using multiples ("multiple valuation") according to DVFA > DVFA GmbH (respectively the DVFA Commission "Standards for Research Reports") has elaborated the following principles in the DVFA Guidelines for Company Valuations in Equity Research on the topic of company valuations using multiples ("multiples method") (source: DVFA): The [...]

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Company sale: Example of a working capital definition for cash-free/debt-free arrangements

Working capital definition and cash-free/debt-free regulations: A so-called debt-free/cash-free arrangement is often included in company sales. In this context, both "debt" and "cash" and working capital have to be defined. The following is an example of such a definition. [...]

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Acquisition strategies - the first step to successful company takeovers

Acquisition strategies - the basis of successful M&A acquisitions > The process of a company acquisition can basically be divided into three phases: The M&A strategy: formulation of the acquisition strategy The M&A process: preparation and execution of the M&A transaction The M&A integration: preparation and execution of the integration. All three phases are [...]

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10 Principles: Successful Mergers & Acquisitions Negotiations

Ten principles - conducting successful Mergers & Acquisitions negotiations > First principle: It is important to make a good impression right from the start. The negotiation starts with the first contact and not with the negotiation of a letter of intent or [...]

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Successful Post Merger Integration

Successfully shaping post-merger integration > Post-merger integration - or: the challenge really begins after the company purchase agreement has been signed. No matter which of the numerous studies on the success of mergers and acquisitions one has read, the results are sobering [...].

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Successfully selling an IT company - Selling a software company

The successful sale of IT companies: Why should you sell your IT & software company now? In the last few years, the market for IT consulting and software has literally run hot. The scarce resource is the staff, which is practically no longer or [...]

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Company sale with M&A consultant in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Company sale with KP Tech Corporate Finance as experienced M&A advisor: You can rely on our M&A advisors with more than 20 years of international M&A experience as well as management experience in a company to guide you through the sometimes difficult process of a company sale in an advisory capacity and to support your [...]

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Create a company valuation

Selling a company: Company valuations For the owners of a company, a company valuation is one of the essential bases for decision-making with regard to the further development of the company. For the seller, who makes a divestment decision with the sale of shares, the purchase price as an absolute date is the essential decision-making factor. [...]

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Financing options for a company acquisition

Financing options for a company acquisition: In addition to the classic financing options (cash, shares), the options for financing company acquisitions using borrowed capital are increasingly being used - due to the extremely low interest rates on borrowed capital. Debt capital Seller loan (part of the purchase price is paid to the buyer [...]

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Enterprise value - Equity Value - Company valuation

Enterprise Value - Equity Value - Company Valuation: In a company valuation, the enterprise value corresponds to the income or cash flows in the future discounted to the present day. The calculation is based on valuation methods that are recognised in M&A practice. From the [...]

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5 success factors for a successful M&A function in companies

Corporate acquisitions: 5 success factors for a successful M&A function in companies: Successful mergers, acquisitions (M&A) but also divestments (sales of peripheral activities) mostly serve to improve the operating result, to expand the capabilities and competences of a company, to strengthen customer relationships and [...]

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KP Tech Beratungsgesellschaft mbH
Maximilianstr. 2
80539 Munich / Germany
Further offices in Berlin, Frankfurt/Main, Duesseldorf

Phone +49 89 21536609-0
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About us

Munich • London • San Francisco

KP Tech has been providing consulting services for more than 20 years with a focus on company acquisitions, company sales, company succession, equity capital and company valuation. Our clients include small and medium-sized companies as well as international groups and private equity companies. Most of our clients come from the technology, services and consumer (including e-commerce) & healthcare sectors.


KP Tech is a member of the Association of German M&A Consultants (VMA), a non-profit alliance of prominent partner-led and independent M&A consulting firms (Frankfurt/Main).