
Company Valuation

Information and up-to-date background knowledge from M&A practice on the topic of company valuation in KP Tech Magazine. We clarify questions such as: How does one proceed with a company valuation? What valuation methods are there? How can you determine the value of a company? Where can I value a company? What does company valuation mean? Are there any rules of thumb for calculating the value of a company?

Company valuation with multiples - multiples method

Company valuation on the basis of so-called "multiples" or "multipliers" (also called comparable company approach): In the practice of market-oriented company valuation, a distinction is made between two types of multiples or multiplier methods. The two market-oriented valuation methods differ due to the origin of the [...]

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Valuing a company - calculating the company value

Creating a company valuation or having it created: If you search the Internet for the terms "valuing a company" or "calculating the value of a company", "valuing a company" or "company valuation", you will find a large number of more or less suitable results. After an initial perusal of the search results, you [...]

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Company valuation using multiples (multiples method)

Excess sizes in company valuations using multiples ("multiple valuation") according to DVFA > DVFA GmbH (respectively the DVFA Commission "Standards for Research Reports") has elaborated the following principles in the DVFA Guidelines for Company Valuations in Equity Research on the topic of company valuations using multiples ("multiples method") (source: DVFA): The [...]

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Create a company valuation

Selling a company: Company valuations For the owners of a company, a company valuation is one of the essential bases for decision-making with regard to the further development of the company. For the seller, who makes a divestment decision with the sale of shares, the purchase price as an absolute date is the essential decision-making factor. [...]

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Enterprise value - Equity Value - Company valuation

Enterprise Value - Equity Value - Company Valuation: In a company valuation, the enterprise value corresponds to the income or cash flows in the future discounted to the present day. The calculation is based on valuation methods that are recognised in M&A practice. From the [...]

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KP Tech has been providing consulting services for more than 20 years with a focus on company acquisitions, company sales, company succession, equity capital and company valuation. Our clients include small and medium-sized companies as well as international groups and private equity companies. Most of our clients come from the technology, services and consumer (including e-commerce) & healthcare sectors.


KP Tech is a member of the Association of German M&A Consultants (VMA), a non-profit alliance of prominent partner-led and independent M&A consulting firms (Frankfurt/Main).