M&As and corporate finance consulting – for international corporations, medium-sized enterprises and private equity companies:
Allow us to advise you – based on a closer understanding and a clear focus on your wishes.
We’re quick. We’re agile. And our services are a 100% match with your requirements. As an owner-managed corporate finance boutique, that just about sums up KP Tech when it comes to M&A consulting, corporate succession and private equity consulting in Europa. What’s made us so different to other consulting companies for the past 20 years or more? For a start, we have a detailed and in-depth understanding of markets. And we use highly innovative AI technology. But also, at KP Tech only the owners or associate partners take care of your project. Personally. So nothing gets handed down the hierarchy. Nothing’s made complicated. Just like you’d expect from a close friend.
It doesn’t get more efficient, more personal or closer than this.
The closer, the more focused
We only work on a small number of M&A projects at one time. Why? So we can concentrate 100% on your requirements.
The benefit to you: quick solutions.
The closer, the more outstanding
Our senior consultants take care of everything to do with your transaction personally. This means you have a single point of contact – with someone who works with you in a partnership of equals.
The benefit to you: access to a wealth of experience, spanning the entire project chain.
The closer, the more successful
This lean approach means we never lose sight of one crucial detail when it comes to your projects: your requirements.
The benefit to you: M&A advice that fits like a glove, as you’d expect from a good old friend.
Learn more about our company today – as well as our angle on M&As and corporate finance.
Something that for us, has nothing to do with the size of a company.
Whether you’re a successful SME, an international group of companies or a private equity company on a strong path to growth – at KP Tech Corporate Finance, the only people you rub shoulders with are our top-level M&A consultants. And that counts from the word go, until successful completion of your project.
International corporations
Private equity companies
Listening and understanding:
Two factors we consider central to every successful M&A project.
You can expect the M&A process to start with us investing plenty of time. Time for you to sit down and go through things with a small number of people. Time with people who understand other people and the motivations that drive them. You’ll see no standard recipes. And we never pigeonhole. Because every business is as unique as the entrepreneurs who made it what it is today.
Our international M&A expertise puts us in a perfect position to help with your transactions worldwide.
Our head office is located in the centre of Munich (Germany). Our other offices are located in Duesseldorf and Berlin.
Our European partners are based in Amsterdam and London.
USA and Canada
Our partners are represented in 18 locations in the USA and 4 locations in Canada.
Locally strong, globally networked:
KP Tech is part of the Cornerstone International Alliance, a renowned global network of independent corporate finance consulting firms based in the USA.
Direct access to a global network Cornerstone International Alliance currently consists of 29 corporate finance consulting firms with more than 40 offices worldwide, with locations in the US, Canada, Brazil, the UK, the Netherlands and India. This not only allows us to share market information and industry trends, but also gives us access to a large number of strategic and financial buyers and sellers. This global reach enables us to find the best possible transaction partners for you.
Successful transaction history Cornerstone International Alliance can look back on more than 4,000 successfully completed transactions, which corresponds to an average annual transaction number of 155. This impressive track record shows that you benefit from proven methods and extensive experience.
Specialization in mid-sized companies The members of the Cornerstone Alliance specialize in companies with an annual turnover of between 5 million and 150 million euros. KP Tech also operates in this segment. This ensures that consulting services and contacts within the network are always optimally tailored to the needs of our clients. You benefit from our specialized expertise in making the right contacts.
Strong presence in the USA Cornerstone was founded in the USA and the majority of its members are based in the USA and Canada. As a result, we have a high number of contacts with strategic buyers and investors in North America. This international presence can make all the difference in your global M&A activities.
Growth and future opportunities Cornerstone International Alliance plans to significantly expand its network in the coming years. This growth strategy will enable us to further expand our international connections and offer you an even more comprehensive service.
Optimal support for international transactions If you are considering an international M&A transaction or are interested in the latest international market developments, we are your competent partner. Contact our team for a personalized consultation and find out how we can help you with your international business transactions. We will be happy to support you.
As a result, looking at the long-term average more than 50% of the transactions we’ve worked on were cross-border deals. More than 90% of our advisory mandates were successfully concluded. Below you will find four exemplary transactions. Further M&A and corporate finance transactions of KP Tech and the KP Tech Group can be found under "M&A transactions".
Selected Transactions
GFP International GmbH
has been acquired by
Toolport GmbH
Cognizant Technology Solutions Inc.
has acquired
C1 Solutions GmbH
N. Harris Computer Corperation
has acquired
Claranet GmbH
has acquired
Kheto Consulting GmbH
As a member of the Association of German M&A Consultants (VMA), we place strong emphasis on professional standards. The VMA acts as a non-profit alliance of prominent partner-led and independent M&A consulting firms in Germany. Leading M&A advisors in Germany - leading corporate finance advisors in Germany.
Sharing knowledge, maximising opportunity:
Our series of seminars and reports on M&As and corporate finance.
New: Sector M&A and Corporate Finance Reports
"KP Tech Insights" is our new format in which we offer you current analyses on M&A and corporate finance for various sectors worldwide and especially for Europe. Our analyses provide you with important events, developments in the most important M&A multiples, background information and new M&A trends. KP Tech Insights provides a summary of the latest M&A activity on current and future trends in various industries.
Seminar content: in-depth information on assessing corporate value, identifying suitable target companies, drafting letters of intent, due diligence, drafting contracts and conducting successful negotiations
Intensive seminar: corporate financing & company valuation
Thursday, 14 November 2024, Munich
Seminar content: in-depth information on assessing the value of a business, financing options, mezzanine financing and many other issues relating to financing requirements
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) refers to the process of mergers and acquisitions of companies. In such transactions, shares or equity stakes in a company are acquired. The term "Mergers" refers to the combination of two companies, while "Acquisitions" refers to the purchase of company shares, ranging from minority stakes to full 100% ownership. Corporate finance is the umbrella term covering mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance (equity and debt) and initial public offerings (IPOs).
Why should I hire an M&A advisor?
Is M&A advisory really necessary when buying or selling a company? A shareholder or founder usually only carries out such a transaction once in a lifetime. Lack of experience and insufficient risk awareness almost inevitably lead to mistakes - and every mistake lowers the purchase price or reduces the likelihood of a successful deal. An experienced M&A expert (not to be confused with a company broker!) ensures a higher purchase price and significantly increases the chances of closing the deal.
Further reasons to hire an experienced M&A advisor include: Time savings and sparring partner: Without an advisor, there is a risk that the seller's focus on the sale may negatively impact day-to-day operations, reducing the company’s value. The advisor acts as a confidential partner with whom the seller can openly discuss all aspects of the transaction. In negotiations, the consultant can play the “bad guy” role, helping to strengthen the seller's position.
Process expertise: Experienced advisors often have decades of experience in managing sales processes and are well aware of the opportunities and risks involved. One example: How should an optimized letter of intent be structured? And why is the transition from enterprise value to equity value ("bridge") so crucial?
Confidentiality: Only through an M&A advisor can a larger number of potential buyers be approached simultaneously and confidentially, increasing competition and thus the chances of a sale.
What does an Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) advisor do in a company acquisition?
The tasks of an M&A advisor in a company acquisition include: creating a roadmap (also called a "playbook"), discussing the M&A strategy and objectives, developing a long list and short list of potential acquisition targets, approaching these targets, conducting a company valuation, drafting the Letter of Intent (LOI), serving as the primary communication channel for the buyer, analyzing the financial data of the targets, coordinating the entire process, and overseeing the due diligence. Additionally, the advisor acts as a negotiation partner and assists in drafting the sale and purchase agreement (SPA).
An M&A advisor conducts a company sale through a professionally managed process. In the first step, the advisor analyzes the company, followed by the creation of an information memorandum. The advisor also prepares a long list and short list of potential buyers and approaches them with an anonymized short profile (teaser). During the process, the advisor's role is to create competition among multiple buyers in order to successfully conclude the transaction with a high probability and at optimal conditions.
KP Tech consultants are based in Germany, with offices in Berlin, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich.
Wie viele Verkaufsprozesse scheitern bzw. sind erfolgreich?
Täglich liest man von Unternehmenskäufen, Fusionen und Übernahmen sowie Beteiligungen. Doch die Statistiken sind ernüchternd: Je nach Auswertung scheitern 60 bis 80 Prozent der M&A Transaktionen. In der Regel sind unprofessionelles Vorgehen und falsche Vorstellungen über den Unternehmenswert die Ursache für das Scheitern. Hinzu kommen persönliche Eitelkeiten und Missverständnisse im Prozess zwischen Käufer und Verkäufer. Wird eine professionelle M&A Beratung hinzugezogen, kehrt sich die Quote um: 60 bis 90 Prozent der Prozesse enden erfolgreich mit dem Abschluss einer Transaktion.
Viele Verkaufsprozesse scheitern, aufgrund von unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen zum Unternehmenswert.
Wie viel kostet ein M&A Berater? Wie lange dauert der Verkauf eines Unternehmens?
Professionelle Mergers & Acquisitions Beratung wird immer ein zweigeteiltes Honorar verursachen: ein zeitanteiliges Honorar in Form eines monatlichen Retainers von 8.000 EUR bis 10.000 EUR und ein Erfolgshonorar („Provision“) zwischen 4% und 6%. Eine professionelle Beratung erhält das Erfolgshonorar bzw. die Provision ausschliesslich vom Auftraggeber – bzw. nur von einer Seite! Makler versuchen oft, von beiden Seiten (Käufer und Verkäufer!) ein Honorar zu bekommen: Dies ist keine seriöse Vorgehensweise beim Unternehmensverkauf bzw. beim Unternehmenskauf.
Bei Durchführung eines strukturierten Verkaufsprozesses mit einem erfahrenen Berater dauert der Verkauf eines Unternehmens zwischen 6 und 18 Monaten. Die Dauer hängt stark von der Komplexität des Unternehmens und von internationalen Käufern ab, die in der Regel nicht so schnell agieren können. Ein weiterer Einflussfaktor ist der Wettbewerb. Je mehr Interessenten es gibt, desto eher kann ein Bieterverfahren den Verkaufsprozess und den Zeitplan diktieren. Bei erfahrenen Käufern aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz kann mit kürzeren Prozessen gerechnet werden.
Eine Alternative für den Unternehmensverkauf ist die Eintragung des Unternehmens in eine Unternehmensbörse. Wir raten aus verschiedenen Gründen von Unternehmensbörsen ab.
In welchen Branchen hat KP Tech Mergers & Acquisitions Beratungserfahrung?
Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2003 berät KP Tech erfolgreich Unternehmen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen. Unsere Schwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Informationstechnologie (Software, IT-Beratung, IT-Services, Fintech) sowie E-Commerce. Weitere Schwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Business Services, Healthtech, Cleantech, Medizintechnik, Lasertechnik, Messtechnik, Automatisierungstechnik sowie Industrial Technologies.
Unsere Partner verfügen über langjährige operative Erfahrung als Geschäftsführer, Gesellschafter, Beiräte, Investmentbanker und Unternehmensberater in verschiedenen Branchen im In- und Ausland.
Sie finden die Partner von KP Tech in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main und München.
Growth through company acquisitions - Mergers & Acquisitions - Company acquisition: The acquisition of a company is a complex process that can be roughly divided into the following phases: M&A objectives M&A strategy M&A process Integration process Each of these phases in turn is subdivided into [...]
Corporate acquisitions: 5 success factors for a successful M&A function in companies: Successful mergers, acquisitions (M&A) but also divestments (sales of peripheral activities) mostly serve to improve the operating result, to expand the capabilities and competences of a company, to strengthen customer relationships and [...]
Excess sizes in company valuations using multiples ("multiple valuation") according to DVFA > DVFA GmbH (respectively the DVFA Commission "Standards for Research Reports") has elaborated the following principles in the DVFA Guidelines for Company Valuations in Equity Research on the topic of company valuations using multiples ("multiples method") (source: DVFA): The [...]
KP Tech has been providing consulting services for more than 20 years with a focus on company acquisitions, company sales, company succession, equity capital and company valuation. Our clients include small and medium-sized companies as well as international groups and private equity companies. Most of our clients come from the technology, services and consumer (including e-commerce) & healthcare sectors.
KP Tech is a member of the Association of German M&A Consultants (VMA), a non-profit alliance of prominent partner-led and independent M&A consulting firms (Frankfurt/Main).