
List with >250 venture capital investors in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

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List of >250 venture capital companies investing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Seed Investors - Early Stage Venture Capital - Venture Capital - Growth Financing - Early Stage VC Funds - Startup Investors

Articles in the KP Tech magazine on the topics of investment agreements, venture capital, seed financing, early stage VC, early stage financing, etc. can be found here, for example:

Current market development in the field of venture capital in Germany

In 2022, the venture capital financing volume in this country amounted to a sum of around 3.36 billion euros (source: In Q4 2022, there was a renewed decline in investment activity in the German venture capital market, despite a solid year overall. A total of 196 deals with a volume of EUR 1.4 billion were concluded. The difficult market conditions had a particular impact on later financing rounds in the scale-up segment. Q4 2022 also saw a renewed decline in the importance of US investors. (Source:

The Investor Barometer, compiled by the promotional bank KfW and the industry association BVK, fell by 25.6 points to minus 42.9 points. The last time the mood of investors investing in young growth companies was worse was about 20 years ago - apart from the unprecedented slump in the first quarter of 2020 due to the Corona shock. (Source:

Advantages of venture capital

One advantage of venture capital financing for a private equity investor is the opportunity to influence both operational and strategic decisions and to be actively involved in what happens. However, this active equity also carries a high risk, as the success of a business idea is uncertain shortly after its foundation. It is therefore advisable to discuss a possible exit scenario before investing.

Another financing option for start-up companies is participation through business angels. These wealthy individuals invest directly in start-ups and often bring industry knowledge and personal contacts with them. They act not only as financiers but also as mentors and can contribute to the company's success through management support and industry know-how. Business angel financing is often used in early-stage companies when the probability of success and the financing volume are too low for institutional investors. However, the business angel financing market is poorly organised, transparent and highly fragmented.

Phases of expansion Financing

Expansion financing refers to the provision of venture capital (VC) in the growth phase of a start-up. This phase follows the first-stage phase and can be divided into the second-stage phase and the third-stage phase.

The second-stage phase is about penetrating the market and expanding distribution channels. The need for VC decreases slightly compared to the first-stage phase, as the company can fall back on internal financing or loans due to increasing sales and reaching the break-even point.

In the third-stage phase, funds are needed to expand the production and distribution system and to launch the products on international markets. This phase often represents the conclusion of the investment, as the venture capitalist sells his shares in the company in order to realise his return. In some cases, however, equity capital is still provided to pre-finance an IPO.

Why venture capital?

The motives for the use of venture capital differ between providers and recipients of capital. Venture capital providers usually pursue three goals with their use of capital:

They can promote their own growth by selling products from their range to the venture capital taker, which the latter needs to produce its innovative goods. They can strengthen their own company by using the creativity of the founders and keeping up with technological developments. They have a return target and expect an appropriate return on their invested capital. At the end of the fund's term, the companies are professionally placed on the market by an M&A advisor.

List of over >250 venture capital companies investing in Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Seed investors, early-stage VC's and start-up investors/start-up venture capital companies (sorted alphabetically):

KP Tech Corporate Finance: Benefit from more than 20 years of experience in the field of early stage and late stage venture capital (e.g. preparation of company valuations for early stage (not seed stage) and late stage start-ups, negotiation of term sheets and participation agreements (no legal advice) for start-ups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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Author: Sandra Preuß


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KP Tech has been providing consulting services for more than 20 years with a focus on company acquisitions, company sales, company succession, equity capital and company valuation. Our clients include small and medium-sized companies as well as international groups and private equity companies. Most of our clients come from the technology, services and consumer (including e-commerce) & healthcare sectors.


KP Tech is a member of the Association of German M&A Consultants (VMA), a non-profit alliance of prominent partner-led and independent M&A consulting firms (Frankfurt/Main).